More New CA Employment Laws

The good news is that the time for Governor Newsom to sign the California Legislature’s bounty of bills has now ended for this year. The bad news is that he signed a bevy of them before time ran out.  These are in addition to the ones we have covered in our...

Some Non-COVID Employment Law News for CA Employers

US DOL Proposes Uniform Independent Contractor Rule for Federal Wage Hour Law The IRS, NLRB, and other agencies have their independent contractor tests. And we know that California has AB 2257, which replaced AB 5. It’s as easy as ABC to keep track. SWIDT? So...

California Legislature Passes New Employment Laws- Some Take Effect Now

In this time of COVID and high unemployment, the California Legislature has chosen not to take its metaphorical foot off the gas.  This is the time of year when new employment laws are signed in California, and this year is no exception. Some of these bills are...
Coronavirus / COVID Employment Law Updates for California Employers # 20

Coronavirus / COVID Employment Law Updates for California Employers # 20

Here is installment #20 of our ongoing series of COVID-related posts of interest to California employers.  One caveat before we begin today’s summary. Although we are trying to keep up with the important issues so we can digest and report them to you, we simply...

Shaw Law is Hiring!