Workplace Investigations

Workplace investigations are a critical tool for employers to determine the validity of concerns, complaints, and claims.  When employers need an impartial investigation, they rely on us to deliver cost-effective, credible, and defensible results. 

Our attorney-investigators conduct investigations of even the most sensitive issues and situations. Because of our litigation background, we are uniquely qualified to identify relevant issues, interview witnesses, analyze evidence, make reasoned factual findings, and draft appropriate investigation reports.   

We complete investigations quickly, understand the special rules that apply to Boards of Directors, law enforcement/fire employees, and union employees, and Title IX matters.

We work with employers in the public and private sector, and in every industry.  Whether we are retained directly or through an employer’s regular employment counsel, we work collaboratively and avoid the conflicts that less experienced investigators can unknowingly create.   

As part of our investigations practice, we also conduct temperature reads and climate assessments. These tools allow employers to identify potential issues in the workplace before a complaint is filed. We use anonymous surveys, carefully-crafted interview questions, and other tools to encourage employee participation. Our reports provide the data necessary to objectively evaluate the work environment and determine appropriate action items.

Unlike most of our competitors, we condcut investigations in Spanish!

Review our team’s bios here