
We Solve Workplace Problems. ®

Our comprehensive advice and counsel practice sets us apart from other firms. We partner with employers — from small local businesses to some of the largest employers in the country — to create tailored solutions to resolve their unique workplace challenges.

Our employment law advice practice focuses on day-to-day issues; DEI consulting, workplace conflict and mediation, Title IX hearing assistanceexpert witness testimonyadministration agency representationcompliance audits, and litigation monitoring and support.

Workplace Counseling

We partner with our clients on every workplace issue, including: 

  • Employment agreements, offer letters, and application development and review
  • DEI consulting
  • COVID-19 compliance and workplace safety
  • Handbook and policy development
  • Conflict resolution and mediation
  • Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution programs
  • Independent contractor analysis and agreements
  • Joint employer risk assessment
  • Exempt/non-exempt classification analysis
  • Commission, bonus, and other incentive plans
  • Paid sick leave and other protected time off
  • Confidentiality, non-disclosure and restrictive covenant agreements
  • Leave of absence management
  • Termination risk assessment
  • Reasonable accommodation analysis/implementation
  • Layoff, RIF and WARN planning and execution
  • Separation agreements
  • Litigation risk assessment