CA Legislature Wishes You Happy Labor Day, Re-Issues AB 5

I’ll have a more detailed write up after the holiday weekend.  But the headline is that California’s much “discussed” AB 5 (the independent contractor law) is dead and AB 2257 is here instead. Don’t kid yourselves, the “ABC...

AB 5 – CA’s New Independent Contractor Law Part 3 of 3

OK, let’s wrap up this long discussion of AB 5.  The 2750.3(a)(2) / Wage Order 2 Gotcha Subdivision 2750.3(a)(2) says: any exceptions to the terms “employee,” “employer,” “employ,” or “independent contractor,” and any extensions of employer status or liability,...

AB 5 – CA’s New Independent Contractor Law – Part 2 of 3

Hello, again.  I corrected some typos and tweaked a few things in Part 1, which you can read here. Apologies. I was going to cover AB 5 in two posts. But I decided to give the “business-to-business” section, subdivision 2750.3(e), its own post.  So, I will...