So Long to Summer Summary (Non-COVID Recent Cases)

Here are some important cases California employers should be reviewing – In-House Investigations When employers assign HR workers to do internal investigations of misconduct, ensure the investigator doesn’t act in bad faith to carry out a pre-determined...

CA Supreme Court: Settling Plaintiffs May Continue as PAGA Representative

PAGA, or the Private Attorneys General Act of 2004, is that law that allows employees to collect penalties for wage and hour violations, which  only the Labor Commissioner used to be able to seek.  The plaintiff-employee “stands in the shoes” of the state....

No Tax Deduction for Confidential Sexual Harassment Settlements?

I’m sure you’ve heard about the new tax law, and you probably have an opinion.  But did you know that the new law includes an employment law issue?  The final Tax and Jobs Act included a little discussed provision that says this: I’m no tax lawyer....