Coronavirus / COVID Employment Law Updates for California Employers # 25 – Whither Supplemental COVID Paid Sick Leave After 12/31/20?
Here is installment #25 of our ongoing series of COVID-related posts of interest to California employers. As of this writing, 12/26, it looks like Congress is NOT extending the “FFCRA” mandatory paid sick leave or special COVID expanded Family and Medical...IRS Announces Standard Mileage Rate for 2021
The IRS Standard Mileage rate for 2021 will be $0.56 per mile. That’s down $0.015 from 2020. The IRS announcement is here. Employers typically use this rate to reimburse employees for the business use of their personal vehicles. In some states, it’s not...
Coronavirus / COVID Employment Law Updates for California Employers # 24 – EEOC On Mandatory Vaccinations and More
Here is installment #24 of our ongoing series of COVID-related posts of interest to California employers. EEOC Weighs in on Mandatory COVID Vaccines We’ve posted a couple of times in the past about whether employers may require workers to be vaccinated against...