Paid Family Leave Grant and New Whistleblower Poster

Small Business Grant Money for Paid Family Leave Beginning in June 2024, California businesses with between 1 and 100 employees may qualify to receive grants of up to $2,000 for each employee who is off work for a reason covered by California’s Paid Family Leave...

PAGA Reform is Here!

Now that Governor Newsom has signed AB 2288 and SB 92 into law, what happens now?  You need to get on the compliance train, pronto!  If there was ever a time to audit your wage-hour practices and ensure you are following the law, it’s now. The potential PAGA penalties...

A Few Workplace Law Developments

Lots to report this week… (I missed posting last week because of a nasty case of COVID-19. Not fun…) Workplace Violence Prevention Program Deadline. The July 1 deadline is here!  You must have a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan in place, and ensure your employees...

New California Employment Laws Effective on July 1, 2024

Most employers look for legal updates on new laws impacting their business at the start or end of each year. However, the laws and ordinances discussed below are effective on July 1, 2024. Workplace Violence Prevention Plans Senate Bill (“SB”) 553 requires employers...

Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Classification: FAQs

The proper classification of employees as exempt or non-exempt is often at the root of wage and hour litigation, and there are many common misunderstandings about the subject. Below are some of the questions SLG attorneys most frequently receive about employee...