Drafting Practical, Effective Employee Handbooks

Almost every employer should maintain an employee handbook containing key employment policies. However, employers often misunderstand the role of handbooks. Below we discuss the most common mistakes in preparing employee handbooks, and the best practices in this...

Separation Agreements and the NLRA

On February 21, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) issued a decision affecting all employers who offer separation agreements to outgoing employees – regardless of whether their workforce is unionized. Employers Subject to the National Labor Relations...

Hiring Teens For The Summer

Some employers need additional employees to work during the summer, and teenagers on break from school can be a good fit for those needs. For example, employers often hire teenagers for the summer as lifeguards and camp counselors. Employers should begin planning now...

California Takes Steps Toward Pay Equity

By now, most Californians know that beginning in January 2023, certain employers must include a pay scale in their job postings. In addition, all employers must provide current employees with their pay scales upon request. Although applicants and employees likely...

Remote Out-of-State Employees: Key Considerations

The rise of remote work over the past few years has significantly changed the modern white-collar workplace.  Many candidates now view remote work opportunities as a key part of a competitive job offer.  Even employers who prefer an on-site workforce may feel...

New Employment Laws For 2023

Fall is a wonderful time of the year marked by pumpkins, cooler temperatures and an array of employment related bills signed into law by Governor Newsom.  Below is a brief summary of the key laws impacting the workplace that employers should not ignore.  Unless...

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